Marketing Yourself 

High unemployment rates force job seekers to be creative in their job search efforts. Here is some advice on traditional and non-traditional methods

The BLS says there are presently 13.9 million unemployed Americans, bringing the current unemployment rate to a discouraging 9.1%. Many Americans are unemployed or underpaid—the need to find gainful employment because it is vital for families and our declining economy. Every job opportunity has hundreds of competent applicants, making it necessary for applicants to find ways to attract the attention of employers. While a resume is often thought of as the primary, if not only, job search tool, it is no longer the stand-alone means to an end.

The resume

Getting creative and being unique in a crowd of 13.9 million is essential to finding a job. The resume is your first employment-seeking tool and should reflect who you are, where you’ve been, and your plans. There are several resume formats, the two most popular formats being chronological and functional.

Chronologically formatted resumes are suitable for job seekers with a fair amount of work experience, as it lists employers in sequential order. However, a candidate just entering the job market or someone desiring to change careers would have a concise chronological resume because they would have little or no relevant work experience to list.

Functional resumes are better suited for these candidates because this format focuses on abilities, skills, and strengths. As a result, work experience is less prominently listed at the end of the resume.

Not the time for modesty

Once you decide which format is best for you, it’s time to construct a highly polished, professional resume. Many people have trouble tooting their own horn, and a summary is no place to be modest. Remember that you’re selling yourself to prospective employers, and you want them to know what a great asset you’d be to their company.

Get a professional resume writer if you can’t write. Cost varies, but it can mean the difference between mediocre results and a well-written, attention-getting resume. There are also many resume writing software programs available online through software companies. These programs usually include writing assistance with the essential cover letter a carefully tailored introduction to your resume. In addition, many resume software programs enable you to easily upload your resume to job search sites with just one click.

Uploading your resume online

The best resume in the world is ineffective if it sits on your desk and is only mailed in response to newspaper ads. So, hit the pavement with your resume in hand, make cold calls to local companies, and email your resume to prospective employers. As mentioned above, uploading your resume to Internet sites is easy. It’s also an important stage in your job search. Upload your CV to Monster and other job-hunting sites. To avoid having to wade through hundreds of resumes submitted by unqualified candidates, many companies frequently peruse these sites in search of employees in favor of posting openings in traditional classified ads. Consequently, you may discover a job online with a firm you never considered or knew existed.

Advertising your resume

Once your resume is uploaded to an online site, you can easily include a link to it in several places. First, add a custom email signature with a link to your resume. Every time you send an email, the receiver can easily click on and view your uploaded resume. Employers that get your email may instantly check your resume and interview you.

Social media networks shouldn’t be ignored either. Mention your job search on your Facebook wall via updates and comments. Creating a Facebook fan page also allows you to advertise yourself and let people know you’re looking for a job. Tweet about your job search on Twitter. Register for a LinkedIn account and create a profile complete with an uploaded resume. These excellent networking techniques let friends, family, and acquaintances know you’re in the job market.

Consider creating a personal website.

One often overlooked but a very effective outlet for job seekers is a website. A personal website is an excellent self-marketing tool and can be invaluable to showcase your talents, skills, experience, etc. You can use a free blog-style website on or, which is a perfectly acceptable choice. Or you can choose to purchase your domain name, find a hosting company and create a custom website. Some excellent website-building software programs are available online if you’re not adept at making your website. A good website builder can have your site up and running quickly. Your website should include:

  • A resume page or a link to it.
  • Relevant accomplishments.
  • A current photo.
  • A personal statement or bio.
  • Some work samples.

Again, as with your resume, include links to your website via Facebook, Twitter, email messages, and online job applications.

Treat your job hunt like one.

There’s no denying the job market is highly competitive. Whether you’re a recent college graduate, a displaced homemaker, a laid-off worker, or are considering a career change; the need to grab the attention of companies hiring new employees is crucial to your success. To achieve your professional objectives, you must treat your job search like a job. Scheduling your time wisely will keep you on track. Devoting time to reworking your resume, making calls, emailing potential employers, perusing job search sites, posting updates to your website and social networking sites, and researching prospective companies are tasks that should be accomplished every day.