Searching for a position can be difficult. With so many places to begin your search, you mustn’t place all of your eggs in one basket.

The U.S. Department of Labor says our nation’s unemployment rate remains steady at 9.1%, and there is no recovery in sight. So, where do you start? Put, everywhere! You must use multiple methods to increase your chance of finding success in your job search.

Job Search Websites

Websites devoted to connecting employers with prospective employees abound. Not all of these sites are reputable. The most popular job sites are Monster and CareerBuilder. They are each designed to help job seekers find their next position. But they are not set up in the same fashion.

Monster is the giant job search board, and this is the site you are directed to if you click “jobs” on your Yahoo or Comcast homepage. You can post your resume, create one on the site, and browse sample resumes to help you put your skills in the best light. In the Job Search section, you can browse jobs in industry categories, by area, and by company. You can also choose when you disclose personal information. The site offers career advice and salary tools. Monster’s Be Known tool utilizes Facebook social media fun by allowing you to search for jobs while connecting with others. Online courses to enhance your skills are also available for a nominal fee. The site’s look can be overwhelming as it is cluttered with advertisements, and you may have to weed through spam and junk job postings to get to the reputable opportunities.

CareerBuilder is similar to Monster but has a slightly less cluttered appearance. Like Monster, you can upload or create your resume and search job postings by category. Once you have set up your profile, A job alert may be set up to notify you of new openings in your field. Based on your settings and previously applied jobs, job recommendations will pop up immediately upon your sign-in sign-in. The junk postings are prevalent on CareerBuilder, but they have developed fraud protection. This section will help you identify spam listings and how to protect yourself online. hireINSIDER offers job reports to help you size up your competition. In addition, CareerBuilder now provides a mobile application that you can use on the go. Career and salary advice is available to its members, as well.

Other Effective Job Search Websites

Hired is a cleaner-looking site that allows you to search by category, even freelance jobs. The area boasts over 5 million jobs available at any given time. One of the most significant differences between this site from the two better-known sites is that you cannot post your resume on the site. However, it connects to other sites that will allow this. You may have to search through the site to discern whether their job postings are worth the trouble of going through another party or simply applying directly to the company. You can link your Hired account to Taleo Talent Exchange, as well. The site does offer career and salary advice and trends. When you locate a job you like, you can rate the position and quickly return to the positing when you return. The site offers only U.S. listings, which will be fine for most users. allows you to post a resume and search for your top jobs by location. In addition, there is career advice available. The site is not as advanced as some of the other sites mentioned, but you should not discount its usefulness. On, you can post your curriculum vitae and search for jobs by the newest jobs, and set job alerts. Forums allow you to communicate with other job seekers and share information and tips. Trends and salary information are available, and it provides pretty accurate information for different regions.

Some want to work for the federal government but find breaking into their available positions hard to do. has those job listings for federal job openings, and anyone can set up an account on the website. You can build your resume there and apply through their site. There are sections specifically for disabled citizens, veterans, students and recent graduates, and senior executives.

Try Your Hand at Social Media Job Searching

Join over 120 million other professionals on LinkedIn and build your member profile to start building your network. Use talent match or search jobs by title, company, or different keywords. There is even a section for over 100,000 jobs! Participating in the discussion board is a must, as this is what the site is all about. Belong to a few organizations that you and get involved with their conversations. Jobs you may be interested in will be grouped and posted based on the profile that you set up.

Local Job Search Resources

Check with your local radio and television stations. They often have job boards and even feature a few positions on the air. City and neighborhood newspapers are being overlooked lately due to the speed of the internet and the public’s addiction to quick information. Don’t discount these periodicals. Find out what day they enter new postings for the week and apply their request.

Log on to or visit your state workforce office for help creating your resume, posting it on their board, and searching through the opportunities companies have listed. Job training and financial aid are also offered; use all help at your disposal.

Top Companies to Work for Listings

Check out Fortune Magazine’s Best Companies to Work for Articles and similar listings available in individual cities and states. You can find them by using Google or Bing.

Remember that sometimes a successful job search is a numbers game. The more contacts you make, applications you submit, the more chances you get to get in front of the hiring manager. The benefits will be worth the effort.

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